pense-bête de bruno sanchiz

Accueil > Programmation > PHP > php - traduction - gettext

php - traduction - gettext

Publié le 10 décembre 2019, dernière mise-à-jour le 10 décembre 2019, > 8 visites, >> 9056 visites totales.

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En C/C++ : Check that the environment variables LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES, LC_CTYPE, LANG, LANGUAGE together specify a valid locale and language.

Check that your program contains a setlocale call.

Check that your program contains a textdomain call

Convert mo vers po :

In the LANGUAGE environment variable, but not in the LANG environment variable, LL_CC combinations can be abbreviated as LL to denote the language’s main dialect.

The xgettext program extracts translatable strings from given input files.

entête :

[bruno sanchiz]