pense-bête de bruno sanchiz

Accueil > Blender > photogramétrie > 2020 Best Photogrammetry Software (Some are...

2020 Best Photogrammetry Software (Some are...

Publié le 19 août 2020, dernière mise-à-jour le 19 août 2020, > 2 visites, >> 9056 visites totales.

2020 Best Photogrammetry Software (Some are Free)

Name Type Output File Formats OS Price
COLMAP Aerial, Close-Range ply, vrml Windows, macOS, Linux Free
Meshroom Aerial, Close-Range abc, obj Windows, Linux Free
MicMac Aerial, Close-Range geotiff, ply, xml Windows, macOS, Linux Free
Multi-View Environment Aerial, Close-Range MVE Windows, macOS Free
OpenMVG(qgis) Aerial, Close-Range ply Linux, Windows, MacOS Free
Regard3D Aerial, Close-Range obj, ply Windows, macOS, Linux Free
VisualSFM Aerial, Close-Range ply Windows, macOS, Linux Free
3DF Zephyr Aerial, Close-Range ply, obj, fbx, pdf 3D, u3d, dae, pts, ptx, xyz, txt, las, e57 Windows Limited free version and paid version from €149+tax
Autodesk ReCap Aerial, Close-Range asc, cl3, clr, e57, fls, fws, isproj, las, pcg, ptg, pts, ptx, rds, txt, xyb, xyz, zfs, zfprj Windows From $40/month
Agisoft Metashape Aerial, Close-Range fbx Windows, macOS, Linux From $179
Bentley ContextCapture Aerial, Close-Range 3ms, 3sm, kml, dae, fbx, obj, dae, stl Windows On request
Correlator3D Aerial .asc, geotiff, .las Windows From $250/month
DatuSurvey Aerial, Close-Range ENH, NEH, DXF, PLY, PDF, LAS, PNG, GTIFF Windows From $350/month
DroneDeploy Aerial dxf, GeoTIFF, las, obj, xyz Windows, macOS, Android, iOS $149/month or $99/month when billed annually
Elcovision 10 Aerial, Close-Range All currently known image formats Windows On request
iWitnessPRO Aerial, Close-Range TXT, CSV, PTS, LAS, PLY, DXF, KML Windows $2,495
IMAGINE Photogrammetry Aerial img, igg, ovr. l, noaa, rpf, ddf, dem, til, dt2, ecrg, hdr, xml, ecw, url, ant, dig, alg, ers, gis, lan … Windows On request
LiMapper Aerial, Close-Range PLY, OBJ, LAS On request
Photomodeler Aerial, Close-Range 3ds, 3dm, dxf, igs, kml, kmz, las, ma, ms, obj, pts, byu, facet, iv, ply, stl, txt, wrl Windows One time fee of $995 or from $49/month
Pix4D Aerial obj, fix, dxf, las, las, kml, tif, osgb, slpk, shp Windows, macOS, Android, iOS One-time fee of €3,990 or €260/month or €217/month when paid annually
RealityCapture Aerial, Close-Range jpg, png, XYZ, XYZRGB, tiff, bmp, dib, rle, jpeg, jpe, jfif, exif, exr, tif, wdp, jxr, dds, KML, KMZ, obj, ply, partlist, fbx, dxf, dae, bvh, htr, trc, asf, amc, c3d, aoa, mcd, wmv, mp4 Windows From $99/for three months
SOCET GXP Aerial Windows On request
Trimble Inpho Aerial, Close-Range Windows On request
WebODM Aerial GeoTIFF, png, las, obj Windows, macOS From $57


wget -qO - |gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring gnupg-ring:/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/qgis-archive.gpg --import && chmod a+r /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/qgis-archive.gpg && echo 'deb stretch main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ && apt-get update
apt-get install qgis qgis-plugin-grass gnupg software-properties-common


apt-get install make imagemagick libimage-exiftool-perl exiv2 proj-bin qt5-default cmake build-essential

git clone micmac ou télécharger le zip sur

puis cd micmac; mkdir build ; cd build ; ../cmake ;
make install -jK avec K >= le nb de coeurs

[bruno sanchiz]